Get wise about COVID-19 and the flu. Earn points.
The A Healthier You (AHY) portal health library can be your guide to stay up to date on news surrounding Covid-19 and flu season. Articles are frequently updated with topics that matter most now. Read up on everything from social distancing tips and managing anxiety to what to expect when getting a flu shot.
It pays to tune in. Because you can earn points for reading educational articles and watching videos. You can access these resources from your AHY home page by opening the “Learn About My Health Risks” card or access the Health Library icon in the left navigation bar. As you educate yourself, you’ll be able to earn unlimited points.
Congrats for getting a flu shot.
Here’s how to confirm credit and earn points for receiving your flu shot. Within “Preventive Actions” card, 500 points will be awarded following processing of the claim from your in-network provider. As a reminder, please allow 10 business days following receipt of your flu shot to confirm your points have been awarded.