Understand your health plan’s travel medical insurance options
Help employees understand their health insurance coverage when they travel. Please share the article below, “Traveling? Don’t leave home without knowing your travel medical insurance coverage,” which covers domestic and international travel medical insurance.
Traveling? Don’t leave home without knowing your travel medical insurance coverage
Travel medical insurance isn’t often on the checklist when preparing for a trip. But it should be. Knowing your medical coverage while away from home is as important as booking airfare and accommodations. Take a minute to understand your travel medical insurance coverage.
Traveling domestically
Your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City (Blue KC) plan includes coverage across the United States. Here’s how to find care.
- Always carry your current Blue KC member ID card or access your card at MyBlueKC.com or on the MyBlueKC app.
- Show your member ID card when you arrive at the in-network provider or hospital.
- Find a nearby, in-network provider or hospital using Find Care:
- Click Find Care on MyBlueKC.com or the MyBlueKC app. Change “City, state or zip” to your current location
- In “Search for Names, Specialties, and Procedures,” enter the type of provider or care facility you need
- If you or a family member require urgent or emergency care and need support, call Blue KC customer service at the phone number on your member ID card.
After you receive care:
- You should not have to complete any claim forms if using an in-network provider or hospital
- You should not have to pay upfront for medical services, except for the usual out-of-pocket expenses (non-covered services, deductible, copay and coinsurance)
- You should receive an explanation of benefits from Blue KC
Traveling internationally
Global Core
Global Core provides international medical coverage and is part of your Blue KC health plan. Before traveling abroad, get to know Global Core, how it covers in-network and out-of-network providers and facilities, and your care options in the cities and countries you’re traveling to. These flyers provide more information.
GeoBlue is comprehensive international health insurance you can purchase separately from your Blue KC policy. It features:
- 24/7 phone, web, mobile, and telemedicine support
- Prompt and convenient access to trusted providers and hospitals
- Cashless appointments
- Appointment scheduling support
- Paperless claims resolution
- Destination health intelligence
Get to know your travel medical insurance options. Contact a Blue KC customer service representative at the number on the back of your member ID card.