Preventive Care
Aug 9, 2024

Gear up for flu vaccination season

Flu season leaves millions in its wake each year. The CDC estimates that in 2023-241:

  • 35 – 65 million Americans caught the flu
  • As many as 830,000 individuals were hospitalized with the flu
  • As many as 72,000 individuals died of the flu

$0 flu vaccines

Help your clients from falling victim to the flu by encouraging $0 flu vaccines administered by Blue KC in-network providers and retail health clinics or at Spira Care Centers.

Beginning mid-September, Spira Care Centers will offer no-appointment flu shots for members with exclusive access to Spira Care.

Share these flu vaccine resources with your clients

Employer/group brokers

Flu Shot Vendor flyer – Now is the time for clients to schedule on-site flu shot clinics. Here’s a list of local vendors.

All brokers

Outsmart the flu flyer – Print or share via email or social media
Outsmart the flu – Get vaxxed! – Share with clients via email or social media
Bobby Bell Gets Flu Shot video – Share with clients via email or social media

If you have questions, please contact your Blue KC representative.

1 CDC 2023-24 U.S. flu season: Preliminary in-season burden estimates

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