Cookin' With Chef Kyle Williams

Who’s the toast of the breakfast town? The avocado.

March 2020

Avocados contain 20 different vitamins and minerals. When this flavorful superfood meets crunchy cucumbers, leafy greens and eggs, you’ve got a breakfast that’s a slice of heaven.

Avocado Toast



  • 1-2 avocados, halved, pitted, peeled and smashed
  • 2-4 organic thick-cut slices whole grain bread
  • 2-4 eggs cooked to desired doneness
  • 2 cups small leafy mixed greens
  • 2 tablespoons radish, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons cucumber, diced small
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil


  1. Scoop out avocado and season with salt and pepper.  Smash in bowl and reserve on side.
  2. Toast bread until desired doneness. 
  3. Spread avocado on bread.
  4. Cook egg in pan to desired doneness and place on top of avocado.
  5. Mix greens with radish, cucumber and oil, and season lightly with salt and pepper.
  6. Place mixture on top of egg. 
  7. Garnish with seeds and serve.


  • Chia seeds
  • Sunflower seeds


Not a fan of eggs? Feel free to substitute a mixture of smoked salmon, capers and red onion.

From the kitchen of Chef Kyle Williams.

Bon appétit!

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