You are not alone. That’s a welcome sentiment for anyone confronting a health challenge, and especially important to share this May as we recognize Mental Health Awareness Month. Now, more than ever, we must show support and reduce the stigma around behavioral health.
Roughly one in seven people worldwide live with mental health conditions, yet this remains one of the most neglected areas of public health. Many Americans lack access to mental health services and face high prescription costs for medications to treat their conditions.
Blue KC doesn’t want prescription drug costs to prevent you or your family members from getting the treatment you deserve. That’s why Blue KC works with Rx Savings Solutions (RxSS) to help members find the most affordable options available to them. Here’s just one real-life example:
- A 32-year-old RxSS member with bipolar disorder was paying $448 for a 30-day supply of a brand-name medication.
- She received a savings alert from RxSS informing her of an equally effective, clinical alternative that would only cost her $5 per fill.
- With one click from her RxSS account, she was able to get her doctor’s approval for the new prescription and it was ready by her next fill.
- It was that simple and resulted in this member seeing an annualized savings of $5,315.
As a Blue KC member, you are not alone. We’re here to give you access to resources like RxSS that can help you live healthy.
Activate your RxSS account or log in today to see all the options you have for prescriptions.
You can also access RxSS by logging in to MyBlueKC.com, visiting the Plan Benefits section, and clicking on “Pharmacy Plan Info.” Once you’re on the Pharmacy Plan Info page, click on “Spend Less on Prescription Drugs,” and you’ll be directed to RxSS where you can view your current savings opportunities.