Blue Medicare Advantage member notification letters delivering in early October
In the first week of October, Blue KC Medicare Advantage members will receive a letter from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City (Blue KC) about alternative enrollment options for 2025.
The letter includes a Guaranteed Issue (GI), which allows members to choose a Medicare Supplement plan without underwriting. This is a rare and potentially appealing option for members who want to continue their coverage with their local, hometown plan through a Medicare Supplement plan. If your client prefers affordable Medicare Supplement plan options, customer service located in Kansas City, a vast network of doctors and hospitals nationally, and predictable expenses, this might be a good option for them.
We encourage members who choose a Medicare Supplement plan to also register for Blue365 to take advantage of discounts on hearing, dental, vision, wellness, travel, and healthy eating.
Should a Blue Medicare Advantage member determine a Medicare Supplement plan is not the right choice, they can choose a different Medicare Advantage plan between October 15 and December 31 for a January 1 effective date. Because the member’s Blue KC Medicare Advantage plan is ending, Medicare provides them with an extended Special Enrollment Period beginning January 1, 2025, through February 28, 2025. This gives members a second opportunity to choose a new plan. Their coverage will become effective the first day of the month after the new plan receives their enrollment request.
Through the remainder of 2024, Blue KC will continue to provide members with high-touch support and uninterrupted access to care.