Custom AgentClient/Member Resources
Mar 18, 2024
2 Minute Read

New Billing System Requires Client Action

On February 20, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City (Blue KC) launched the Premium Billing system for group clients.

While we have delivered multiple communications about using the new system, creating an account, and re-establishing recurring payments, groups are experiencing difficulties.

What you can do

Please contact your clients and stress the importance of taking the following steps before March 31 to make their payment. If we do not receive their March payment before March 31, the group’s health insurance could be cancelled. 

Create a Premium Billing account

  1. Click Go to Sign In Page
  2. Click Create an Account
  3. Enter email address and click Email Verification
  4. They will receive an email with an access code, which needs to be typed in. It cannot be cut and pasted.

Set up recurring payments. Clients who had recurring payments set up on the previous system need to re-establish recurring payments on the Premium Billing system. It will not transfer. Here’s how:

  1. Click Sub-Groups in the left navigation then click into the appropriate sub-group under Sub-Group Name in the middle of the screen. 
  2. Click Payments under the sub-group number and name.
  3. Click Recurring Payments.
  4. Click Create Recurring Payment and fill in the required fields.
  5. Follow these steps for each sub-group that requires recurring payments.

To support your conversations, please share Tips for using Premium Billing

What we’ve communicated

In the past weeks we have sent the following communications to help groups through the transition to Premium Billing.

Where to direct clients who have questions

Please direct your clients to the appropriate representative with questions about Premium Billing.

  • Small Groups (less than 50) – Call 816-395-2950 to speak with a Customer Advocate
  • Medium Groups (50-100) – Contact your Membership Account Specialist
  • Large Groups (100+) – Contact your Membership Account Specialist

If you have questions about Blue KC’s transition to the Premium Billing system, please contact your Blue KC representative. 

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