Custom AgentEmployer Resources
Jun 18, 2024

Small employer groups have received MLR group size survey

Each year, to meet ACA requirements, Blue KC surveys employer groups to classify them as large or small groups. ACA requirements apply differently based on group size.

One important example is the requirement that insurance companies report their medical loss ratio (MLR) to a federal agency and pay rebates if certain MLR targets are not met. Rebates are paid based on whether the targets are met for the individual market, the small group market, and the large group market.

Insurance companies are also required to comply with certain rating and benefit requirements for small employer insurance products. To comply with the ACA’s requirements, Blue KC collects data from an authorized employee (e.g., group administrator or benefits coordinator) via a short form that requests the number of individuals employed by their company. This data helps determine if a group will be classified as small (50 or fewer employees) or large (51 or more employees).

Please note, if the group size has changed since the last time the group completed the form, Blue KC may need to make modifications to the group’s insurance coverage to ensure compliance. We will notify applicable groups of such changes.

Important dates

  • Tuesday, May 28, 2024: Blue KC emailed groups, with a link to the MLR Employer Size form.
    • The email came from Blue KC with the subject line “Blue KC MLR Employer Size Form – Potential Rebate
    • Emails were sent to existing contact information on file.
  • Weekly reminders: Each week since the first email, Blue KC has emailed reminders to nonresponders.
  • Week of June 3, 2024: Blue KC mailed letters, including an MLR 2024 FAQ and Employer Size form, to groups for whom we do not have email addresses and groups whose emails were returned unsuccessful.
  •  June 30, 2024: Responses are due.

2024 MLR supporting information

If you have questions, please contact your Blue KC representative.

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