Save with SmartShopper®
Did you know an MRI can range from $200 to $2,000, depending on where you get the scan? It’s possible that you’re overpaying for care, even at in-network locations. SmartShopper* is part of your benefits plan and has already done all the legwork so you’ll know what your costs will be upfront.
SmartShopper has helped over 1 million members save money without compromising quality. You can even earn a cash reward!
It’s quick and easy to compare locations for your medical care online at MyBlueKC.com.
- Go to Find care
- Click Find Doctors, Specialists & Hospitals
- Click SmartShopper
Or call the SmartShopper Personal Assistant Team at 855-476-5027 to support you with everything from selecting, to scheduling to navigating prior authorizations. They make next steps equal no sweat. So don’t wait, start saving and earning rewards with SmartShopper today!
* SmartShopper is available to individual and family plan ACA members and small group ACA members; and employer groups including fully insured large and non-ACA small group members, small group level funded members, and non-ACA individual and family plan members. Experience varies between ACA and non-ACA plans. If SmartShopper is not on the Find Care page of your member portal at MyBlueKC.com, talk to your employer about offering SmartShopper. SmartShopper is not available to Medicare Advantage members.