Everyone wants to get the best price on their purchases. Savvy consumers compare pricing on everything – airfare, appliances, computers, smartphone data plans, home repairs, groceries. Today, even healthcare services are shoppable.
Prices for medical procedures, like a mammogram or MRI, can vary dramatically. The difference can be hundreds or thousands of dollars depending on the facility, even in the same city. Of course, the price directly impacts your out-of-pocket cost, so why not shop for the best price?
The new Find Care online experience from Blue KC gives you a powerful estimate and price comparison tool to shop for healthcare. It reduces uncertainty by providing costs before you receive care, not when you receive your bill.
When your doctor recommends a procedure, simply login to your member portal at MyBlueKC.com. Search for care by provider name, hospital, facility, or specialty. Then, view the total estimated out-of-pocket costs for services such as routine procedures, preventive exams, imaging scans and scheduled surgeries. Finally, compare your options side by side and make an informed decision that matches your care needs and budget.
Our Find Care tool empowers shopping, reduces surprise charges, and helps you clearly understand the costs of care as you pursue a healthy you. And even better, you never sacrifice quality in the pursuit of savings.
To get started, login or register at MyBlueKC.com, and click Find Care on the left side of the page.