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Join the walking bandwagon while exploring KC’s new Parade of Hearts

March 2022

Walking has never been trendier.

Sanity walks helped us deal with pandemic lockdowns. Mindful walks encourage us to become aware of our surroundings and how our bodies and minds feel while moving. The latest rage? The “silly little walk” invites us to take a stroll outside (For inspiration, hashtag #sillylittlewalk on TikTok).

According to the CDC, walking is the most popular aerobic physical activity. More than 145 million adults now include walking as part of a physically active lifestyle.

Why is walking so popular? Well, it’s safe, easy to stick with, and doesn’t require any special skills or expensive equipment. To walk your way to physical and mental health, all you need is some comfy clothes, supportive shoes, and a stretch of time.

Discover the health benefits of walking

Research has shown that walking at a lively pace at least 150 minutes a week can help you:

  • Think better, feel better, and sleep better
  • Reduce your risk of serious diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and several types of cancer
  • Improve your blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood cholesterol levels
  • Increase your energy and stamina
  • Improve your mental and emotional well-being and reduce risk of depression
  • Improve memory and reduce your risk of dementia
  • Boost bone strength and reduce your risk of osteoporosis
  • Prevent weight gain

Stroll through the Parade of Hearts

In mid-March, you’ll see some incredible works of “heart art” popping up across our neighborhoods.

This incredible public art experience, the Parade of Hearts, will use art to unite our region, attract tourists, and support local nonprofits.

There are total of 154 hearts on display, designed by a diverse group of 123 local artists. The best way to experience the Parade of Hearts? Take it all in on a glorious walk.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City (Blue KC) is proud to be a Presenting Sponsor of this dynamic public art experience. As part of our sponsorship, we selected locations to display eight of the hearts. Look for them at these community partners and Federally Qualified Health Centers: Harvesters, KC Care Health Center, Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center, Swope Health, Union Station, Variety KC location (Tiffany Hills Park playground), Veterans Community Project and Vibrant Health.

“Celebrating regional unity through public art is something Union Station is thrilled to support,” George Guastello, Union Station president and CEO, said. “The fact that we’re able to host the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City heart is a further honor. Placed on our East Transit Plaza, this impressive creation will be enjoyed by tens of thousands of guests as it sits between our two iconic buildings. This is a truly meaningful partnership and philanthropic project.”

We invite you to lace up your walking shoes and stroll through KC to admire the art. It will be good for your heart!

To learn more about the hearts, artists and locations, please visit


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