Importance of your annual visit
As a Blue KC member, you’ll see the “annual preventive visit” getting a lot of airtime. And for good reason.
The annual preventive visit lets your primary care provider (PCP) keep tabs on your overall wellness, hear your health concerns, and prevent issues down the line. The visit includes many routine preventive services, such as immunizations and necessary screenings, and is covered at 100%*.
Blue KC recommends that everyone receive an annual preventive visit – adults, young children, teens. Be your own best health advocate by going in prepared with questions and concerns. This checklist can help you get organized.
Schedule your visit
If you don’t have an in-network PCP, find one in your neighborhood using the Find Care tool on your member portal. Visit MyBlueKC.com, select Find Care in the left column, then enter any of the following in the search bar: PCP, family medicine, internal medicine, general practice, pediatrician, or a specific provider name.
If you’re a Spira Care member, schedule your $0** preventive visit at one of nine Spira Care Centers in the Kansas City metro area.
When you schedule your appointment:
- Ask for preventive care screenings and tests that are 100% covered by your plan.
- Ask if talking about non-preventive-care health problems during your appointment will lead to extra costs.
Get rewards
Blue KC takes preventive care a sweet step further with a $25 digital gift card for completing your annual preventive visit by December 31, 2024. For members with a family plan, the reward applies to adults and children, so a family of four could qualify for $100 in rewards. Login at BlueKC.com/ACARewards for details and to register.
*When you visit an in-network doctor or facility.
**Services must be completed at a Spira Care Center, and you must have a Blue KC plan with Spira Care. On-site prescription services are available for a select and limited number of the top generic prescriptions at your regular copay or deductible level.