For businesses with 51-99 employees
This portfolio includes our most popular plans combined with our innovative offerings, including Spira Care. This package offers a mix of PPO and EPO plan designs on our broader Preferred-Care Blue network and our competitively priced BlueSelect Plus network. With multiple options, your employees are empowered to choose a plan that best fits their needs and budget.
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When choice, access and peace of mind are top of mind.
For employees who want more doctors, more hospitals, and more healthcare choices, there’s Preferred-Care Blue with BlueCard. This Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) offering gives members the largest selection of providers within our 32-county service area. Outside the 32-county service area, the network gives members access to doctors and hospitals all across the country. With the BlueCard program, your employees will be able to take their benefits with them wherever they go.
When having the freedom to choose is at a premium, our premium network offering is built to exceed your employees’ highest expectations.